Labgroup Helpdesk opening hours during the holiday season

Cher Client,

Nous tenons à vous informer que notre Helpdesk Labgroup fermera à 14h00, les journées du 24 et 31 décembre 2015. Cependant le service « on-call » 24h/7 restera opérationnel pour tous les clients affiliés à ce service. Si toutefois vous avez des demandes particulières pour les après-midi du 24 et 31 décembre, nous vous remercions de nous envoyer toutes vos requêtes avant le 24 et le 30 décembre respectivement.

Nous profitons de l’occasion pour vous souhaiter un joyeux Noël et une très heureuse année.

L’équipe Labgroup

Dear Customer,

We would like to inform you that on the 24th and 31st of December 2015, the Labgroup Helpdesk will be closing at 2 p.m.. For any urgent requests, we kindly ask you to contact us before the 24th or 30th of December respectively. Please note that our “on-call” service will be fully operational 24/7 during the holiday season for all customers who have subscribed to this service.

On behalf of all here at Labgroup, we wish you a very Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.

Labgroup Team.

2-4, rue Edmond Reuter
L-5326 Contern

Labgroup Helpdesk

Luxembourg: +352 350 222 999
Dublin: +353 1 891 4005
Gibraltar: +350 2000 3299


International Archives Day

When talking about archives, several questions are asked by the public:

What does archive mean?

What is the role of an archivist?

What is the retention period of my archives?

How to manage electronic archives?

What to keep on paper?

Therefore, all around the world, professionals unite on the 9th of June to help you understand why it is important to manage and value your archives. This is an excellent opportunity to discover and understand or to get a more precise view/approach to our profession, and to get a closer look at a fascinating domain!

Labgroup as an active actor of the archival sector in Luxembourg celebrates this event.

Indeed archives have a central place within Labgroup in our day-to-day activities especially around management and long-term preservation of archives, whether physical media or electronic. Our activities also focus on organizing and the designing of archiving policies and procedures to assist you in defining your retention policy. This allows you to research, processes and optimize the availability of your archives in accordance with good practices, professional standards and regulations.

Greetings from the Labgroup team and Happy Archives Day!

Cargolux entrusts Labgroup with Document Management Services

In order to benefit from a secure archiving solution for the thousands of documents related to the maintenance of its aircraft, Cargolux has decided to outsource the process to Labgroup.

Key Points

Maintenance files for over 22 planes

Storage of over 1,000 archive boxes

Digitisation of over 50,000 documents

Providing 150 engineers with secure access to electronic files

Process approved by the Civil Aviation Authority


From Batumi to Baku – 1.000 km by bicycle for charity

The two bikers, Michel Donckel and Bernard Moreau (CEO Labgroup), started their voyage on June 22nd from the Black sea to the Caspian sea. Their goal is to complete the 1000 km’s in 2 weeks time, by July 5th, and raise EUR 25 per kilometre.

The trip is self-funded by the cyclists with all donations going directly to help fund the project “Stop Aids Now / Acces – Aide aux enfants vulnérables de Gikondo” (Kigali-Rwanda) ( ) who’s mission is to improve the lives of street children in the Kicukiro District of Rwanda.

Follow their progress and give them a ”thumbs-up” on

Review the project in Rwanda:

Donations can be made via bank transfer or online here

Bank account name: Stop Aids Now/ Acces
IBAN: LU43 0025 1057 8676 9400
Communication: Batumi to Baku (B2B)

Contact at

Debra Donckel-Sances

The team at Labgroup wish them good luck and safe return!
